More Updates: Character Sheet, Advancement, and Weapon Tag

Hello adventurers!

We’ve been hard at work fine-tuning BareBones RPG, and we’re excited to share some exciting updates with you.

Character Sheets: First things first, we’ve got character sheets! No more scribbling your character’s stats on scrap paper; you can now neatly organize your attributes and track your progress on your official character sheet.

Advancement System: In a significant shift, we’re moving away from the traditional level-based advancement system. Instead, we’re introducing a dynamic and engaging way to improve your character. Whenever you roll a critical success or a fumble during your adventures, mark it on the bottom checkbox of your attribute stat. Once you’ve filled 6 boxes, you can increase one of your attributes in a safe location. This means your character’s growth is directly tied to their experiences and successes in the game. How cool is that?

Burn Mechanic: We’ve adjusted the Burn Mechanic after receiving valuable feedback from our playtesters. Now, every player gets one free burn without any consequences. But be cautious! Burning a second time on the same attribute will result in losing points from that attribute. Remember, don’t burn yourself down to zero. It could be hazardous or even lethal for your character. Manage your burn wisely!

Weapon Tags and Damage: We’ve simplified how weapon damage is calculated, making it easier to understand and use. Weapons now come with tags - small, medium, and great. Small weapons will deal 1 plus your Might or Insight in damage. Medium weapons inflict 2 plus your Might or Insight in damage. And great weapons pack a punch with 3 plus your Might or Insight in damage.

But wait, there’s more! For those of you who prefer rolling for damage, you can do so with the GM’s permission. Small weapons roll 2d6 and take the lowest result, then add your damage bonus. Medium weapons roll 1d6 and add your damage bonus. Great weapons roll 2d6 and take the highest result, and, of course, add your damage bonus.

The damage bonus your character gets is half of their attributes, rounded down. Here’s how it works:

  • 1 point in attributes = 0 bonus
  • 2 points in attributes = 1 bonus
  • 3 points in attributes = 1 bonus
  • 4 points in attributes = 2 bonus
  • 5 points in attributes = 2 bonus
  • 6 points in attributes = 3 bonus

Stay tuned for more updates! We’re working on fine-tuning enemy balance and have some exciting content in the pipeline. Keep rolling those dice and embarking on your epic adventures in BareBones RPG. We appreciate your support and feedback as we continue to refine the game and make it the best it can be.

Happy gaming!

-Victor G

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